

Sustainability is much more than recycling and giving new value to used materials, it is also about adding value to collaborations. When you strive for sustainability together, great partnerships and initiatives emerge in terms of people, organisation and materials.

The only way to start a movement is by taking the initiative yourself.

The only way to start a movement is to take the initiative ourselves. A challenging route that should ultimately lead us to our goal of being the most sustainable project furnisher by 2030. This objective is made up of the following focus areas:

  • People & Organisation
  • Production & Product
  • Customer & Service

People & Organisation

The people of Lensen are the driving forces behind Lensen. We find it important that our own employees, as well as those of partners, can work and live under the right conditions. It is a given that our business operations have an impact on the environment. We are well aware of this and are therefore continuously working to reduce it - within our own sphere of influence.

As an organisation, we have a role to play in introducing young people to the world of work. To this end, we offer internships and regularly welcome students to our showroom. As an official ‘recognised training company’, we offer space to young talent. Together you create opportunities.

Our sustainability objectives and initiatives:

  • A fully electric fleet by the end of 2025
  • Charging stations for employees and customers
  • Separation of office waste, residual and packaging material
  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Fresh fruit and vegetable snacks at work
  • Sustainable refurbishment of accommodation/showrooms:
    • Use of sustainable materials in ex- and interior construction
    • Increase insulation value
    • Installation of solar panels
    • Completely energy-neutral premises
Mens & Organisatie
Product & Productie

Product & Production

Sustainability is woven into everything we do, we reuse as many materials as possible and reduce our CO2 emissions. We ourselves spearhead our product development and determine our partnerships. We select our suppliers and manufacturers in terms of working conditions, sustainable business practices and the range of sustainable products and materials. This allows us to make responsible choices in advance. In this way, we also encourage our suppliers and producers not only to ensure quality but also to develop innovative techniques to make products, packaging and transport more sustainable.

Our sustainability initiatives:

  • In-house product development
  • Choice of sustainable alternatives with suppliers
    * GoodWood
    * Fabrics
  • Materials, such as adhesives
  • Transparency through a product passport
  • Sustainable packaging materials
  • Packaging materials are returned and disposed of separately
  • Separate waste streams for fabric, PVC and wood
  • Cutting waste and residual products return to supplier for cradle-to-cradle/reuse
  • Smarter and more efficient transport and planning
  • Return of used furniture for a second life
  • Sustainable advice, design and installation
  • Reuse residual materials. For example, bags are made from residual materials

Customer & Service

At Lensen, we stand for sustainable relationships with our customers by supplying the right products and providing high-quality service. In this context, we also like to include our customers in our activities in the field of sustainability: together you can achieve more. Our initiatives mainly focus on extending the lifespan and reusing furniture and materials. This involves a win-win situation for all parties and organisations involved.

Our sustainability initiatives:

  • Maintenance advice
  • MOT - service provision
  • Cradle to cradle - return of old floors
  • Extension of lifespan - possibility of re-upholstering
Klant & Dienstverlening