

Lensen brings interior experience to care. Within care, we focus on different target groups, including care for the elderly, mental health care, care for the disabled, youth care, penitentiary care and private care.

When creating living environments, we put the users first. Interior design can influence the well-being and quality of life of residents. This can range from optimising space for the elderly to creating a supportive environment for people with disabilities or mental illnesses. We ensure that the interior experience is not only functional, but also tailored to the needs and preferences of residents.

Interior experience in healthcare: where design and well-being come together

An environment carefully designed to provide comfort, safety and aesthetics can have positive effects on residents' moods and recovery. It also takes into account the unique needs and circumstances of different target groups.

In elderly care, ergonomics, accessibility, safety and comfort contribute to residents' well-being. Mental health care emphasises flexible spaces and therapeutic design for a calming environment. Disability care focuses on accessibility and flexibility. Youth care offers educational, recreational and family spaces. Penitentiary care integrates security and reintegration. Private care offers luxury and individual customisation for a premium experience. Each focal point reflects a purposeful approach for an optimal care environment.

Discover the versatility in care by taking a look at the various focus points.

experience our care projects


    The result has exceeded our expectations. Thank you for the beautiful result and cooperation!

    - René & Edith Til
    owners Herbergier Voorthuizen

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    Lensen Inspiration and Collection 2024

    Inspiration and collection 2024

    In this inspiration book, we take you through the vision ‘Eye for People', the people behind the scenes, inspiring projects, trends and collection. All the tools you need to turn a care environment into an experience in which people feel at home and safe. Especially at the most vulnerable moments in their lives.

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    Furniture collection

    Referentie interieur gele eetkamer ouderenzorg nieuwbouw verpleeghuis Carinova locatie Sint JozefImageImage

    Visit our experience centre!


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