Baalderborg Groep

Baalderborg Groep

Residential care and community centre 'Van Dedem Marke'

Van Dedem Marke in Dedemsvaart, renovated the main building of its residential care and community centre. For this, Lensen took care of the total set-up from concept to project management. The coffee corner, restaurant, shop and library were all fitted with new furniture, flooring, window coverings, visuals, lighting and customisation. Koos de Vent, Head of Facilities Services for elderly care, is still super satisfied with the final result. ‘It was our first introduction to Lensen at the time of tendering. They translated our programme of requirements very well into our vision of excellent hospitality. They really think along with us and come up with practical solutions. Lensen definitely offers a total package.’

Project Details


Baalderborg Groep


Residential care and community centre 'Van Dedem Marke'


Entrance, restaurant, shop, library, hairdresser


Interiors, upholstery, furniture, customisation, graphic printing




Lensen | Rob Delvaux, Satelliet