


Specialising in dementia and Huntington's disease, Topaz Overduin is located on the edge of the Katwijk dunes. In cooperation with Bureau Kroner Architects and Anika van Vugt, Lensen was involved in the renovation of this location. Here, it was important to give the furniture a more modern look. The focus of this renovation was particularly on experience-oriented care. Experience-based care puts the resident at the centre and looks at what they need. The aim is for the resident to feel recognised, respected and, above all, familiar. This can be translated into the furnishings by using natural elements, recognisable furniture and accents of the past, light and/or scents. The main emphasis is on the diversity of the amount of stimuli. Beach without real sand Many residents in a care home have difficulty going outside, either because of the many stimuli or because they have difficulty walking. As a result, they often miss the outdoor feeling, which can be soothing and restorative. Topaz Overduin is located in the middle of the dunes of Katwijk and has a beautiful view over them. Unfortunately, walking through the sand is not possible for many residents. In the design, we therefore chose to bring the experience of the dunes and the beach inside. The colours of the beach, sea and dune grass provide orientation through the building. These colours have been applied to the walls, furniture and decoration. A variation in seating was also chosen, with a lounge area and high seating. For the total experience, the interior features all kinds of accessories related to the sea and nature, such as shells, fishing nets and herringbone woven lampshades. "Niet alleen wij van Topaz, maar ook de bewoners, familieleden en cliëntenraad zijn erg tevreden met de keuzes van de nieuwe inrichting" | René van Elferen, Topaz


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Project Details






Furniture, customisation, lighting, decoration, planting


Bureau Kroner


Lensen | Ilse Masseling