
Floor, window and wall covering

Applying special upholstery for floors, windows and walls is what the project upholstery department can do like no other. Thanks to its experience and expertise, Lensen is strong in renovation and renewal. Projects are tightly directed by its own team of specialists, with an exceptional feel for detailing. Because that is what it is all about: getting the details right means the difference between simply workable and liveable and a smooth, efficient and highly comfortable working and living environment.

Combining knowledge with skill, creativity and guts.

Lensen is a specialist in project upholstery and can really make anything. Whatever the Studio designs, Lensen makes it a reality. Think of special ways of laying with Axminster woven carpet and PVC in herringbone or Hungarian point or other beautiful patterns. Or insulated rails for window coverings so that lightning strikes do not have unpleasant consequences in hospitals. Based on experience and expertise, not only the all-important aesthetic aspects are considered. Especially the practical and safe issues involved in fitting cladding for floors, windows and walls also form the starting point. Always with an eye for people and the user at the heart of the process.

Apprenticeship programme

Since 2006, Lensen has carried the 'Erkend Leerbedrijf' (Approved apprenticeship) designation and we invest time, energy and resources to prepare the young guard for the real work. Young employees follow an apprenticeship programme at Lensen and receive fair remuneration. Our assistant foremen are patient, knowledgeable mentors who show them what the trade entails and encourage personal growth and development. Here, we look closely at the young person themselves and what they need to rise above themselves. We achieve this by setting concrete learning goals and appealing to their own responsibility, ambition and drive. Practice provides fertile ground to rise to a professional level in a quick and fun way. Their own growth is in their own hands.


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Lensen project design

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