
Our vision on care

The well-being of residents, patients, clients, employees and guests is always our starting point. When designing customised interior solutions, Lensen thinks and works from a human perspective.

How do we create a distinctive, professional care environment that reflects the identity of the organisation and feels like home? From a one-off examination in hospital to the last phase of life in a care environment; the physical environment makes an important contribution to the comfort, recovery and well-being of residents, patients and guests. Especially at vulnerable and dependent moments in life, a feeling of security and being in ‘good hands’ is essential.

Eye for People, a method

Eye for People, a method
In our innovative ‘Eye for People’ methodology, we engage with clients - in a relaxed, enjoyable way - for inspiring interaction, good conversations and the identification of specific needs. Gradually, following the methodology leads us to a fitting result, tailored to your organisation.

This pillar methodology originates from our vision ‘Eye for Humanity’ and organically and efficiently inventories the intrinsic basic values, needs and wishes of your organisation. The resulting input forms the blueprint and the foundation for shaping and concretising the interior experience.

The five pillars - Autonomy, Experience, Functionality, Identity and Safety - represent the various facets that play an important role in the design of the interior and thus the well-being of residents, employees and visitors.

Building blocks
Each design is composed of different building blocks and in this methodology we use 25 of them. The building blocks - including: Concept, Sustainability, Recognisability, Colour, Innovation, Incentives and Senses - are subdivided by five subfacets into the five main pillars. By following this methodology, organisation-specific characteristics and priorities are playfully clarified.